CPR Storage

With a CPR lookup you can quickly and easily see if a mobile number is in use and which operator it uses. You can make a CPR lookup directly from your browser if you have an account with SureSMS. The cost is only 2 øre per CPR lookup.

HLR stands for "Home Location Register" and is the core of the GSM network. HLR is the central database for all customers authorized to use the GSM network.

Real-time information is often important when sending SMS messages, and with a CPR lookup you'll know - in real time - if the phone number you're looking for exists. This can save you from sending and paying for messages that don't actually arrive.

Global CPR service
We provide an international SMS service for professional businesses, developers and users. Therefore, our CPR service is of course also a global tool. The price for your CPR lookups is the same regardless of which country the operator is based in.

TIP - How our customers use CPR notices:

  • A customer uses CPR lookups to validate the users who sign up for his newsletter before transmitting.

  • Another customer needs to send a lot of messages to the same number, but before... he checks whether the number actually exists. If not - it costs him much more than 2 cents!

  • A third customer uses it to Target marketing. He knows that CBB's customers are generally younger than TDC's, so he can better reach his target group by only sending out to some operators' mobile numbers.

How to make CPR announcements with SureSMS

Use the following link to make a search:[password]&to=[phonenumber]

Example: by User: "Bicycle smith" and codeFor "batavus" you can look up the number 40818824 like this:

Feedback response

The response you get back from your CPR post might look like this:

COUNTRY=Denmark(+45) MCC=238 MNC=02 LOCATION=45406997 IMSI=238021900000000 OPERATOR=Telenor

When you receive a return response, it may contain a number of codes. To decode, see the table in wiki link. Read about IMSI number Here.
