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Email-2-SMS solution

Email to SMS (Email2sms) - Easily send SMS from your existing email.

Studies show that SMS messages are the messages that are read most frequently and quickly by the recipient. With email2sms (email to SMS) you can get information and contact your users quickly and securely. No matter where in the world they are!

Today, a lot of communication takes place via email, but not all emails are read or read quickly after being sent.

Is your inbox full or is your target audience not often on email?

You know the feeling. Maybe your inbox has become overcrowded? Or maybe the audience you want to reach is simply more active on SMS and social media.

Using email to SMS (email2sms) is an easy way to get started with our SMS gateway. With this feature, you can send SMS from your computer just as easily as you send an email today. As a sender, you have all the benefits of working from your computer: Overview, keyboard, screen and unlimited recipients, but still the benefits of SMS accessibility and wide target audience.

Do you have a system that sends emails today? Could it be a customer database, a newsletter, a customer module, or simply a mailing list in Outlook? From here it is very easy to get SMS enabled by using an SMS gateway.

How email2sms (email to SMS) works

If you want to send an SMS to the Danish number 22331133, you can easily send an email to our email2sms gateway.

ATTENTION! You must have an account with SureSMS to use this feature. Don't have an account yet? Fill out the form on this page and get started right away!

  • The email address is: You send an email to our SMS gateway, including your username and password: the email address is: "sms.[username].[password]"
  • The recipient's number is written in the subject field: "+4522331133"
  • The message is written as always in the regular text field
  • We then immediately send the message to the phone.

Depending on how often you send to each customer and how many numbers you need to send to, there are two options you can choose from:

  • Recipient number in the subject field: This option is useful if you send few messages to the same recipient.
  • Recipient number in the email address: This option is effective if you send many SMS messages to the same recipient.

Remember that an SMS has a maximum length of 160 characters (including spaces). If the message is longer, e.g. a newsletter or similar, we will of course also send a longer text. The message will then be sent and thus also charged as several SMSs.
Our SMS sender can send up to 4000 characters. If a message is longer, it will still be sent but in shortened form.

Do you want to create an account immediately?

We are ready and waiting to welcome you as a SureSMS customer!

Order a 2-way solution!

Already have an account? Order a 2-way solution and get the extra options that your own solution provides. 

Here you can read some examples of how our customers use the feature today: "E-mail2SMS"

  • Several municipalities use e-mail2SMS from SureSMS to monitor their IT. A recent trend among hackers is to send viruses that encrypt the recipient's data and then demand a ransom to release it again. The faster shared drives etc. are disconnected from the network, the less damage is done. The monitoring uses e-mail2SMS to send an SMS to the municipality's supporters so they can respond as quickly as possible and limit the damage.
  • Our customers include several major computer and electronics companies that have integrated our e-mail2SMS solution into their systems. The systems send an SMS to customers about the status of their service case.
  • The same easily integrated feature is used by several insurance companies to send status notifications to customers about their claims and other insurance matters.
  • And then we also have an enterprising garden association from the green Amager, which sends out invitations to general meetings and other information and events to their members.
    Let Denmark bloom and spring come!