My SMS is not received on my phone

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My SMS is listed as delivered, but it does not appear on the recipient's phone.

If you find that the SureSMS overview shows that your SMS has been delivered, but it is not displayed on the recipient's phone, it may be because the recipient has blocked the display of your messages.

This typically happens if you send from with an alphanumeric sender name.

In other words, it's not SureSMS that's the problem. Nor the operators, but the recipient's phone.

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    The recipient's phone is an Android

    To make the recipient's phone display the messages, the SPAM filter must be turned off on the phone. There are many different Android versions, so the screenshots below may not exactly match your phone. Try to see if that helps.

    1. First, open SMS messages on your phone.
    2. Then click on the menu in the top right corner
    3. Then click Settings or Settings
    4. If you have multiple SIM cards in your phone, select the relevant card
    5. Now select SPAM protection
    6. Turn off SPAM protection
    Android settings

    The recipient's phone is an iPhone

    This section is missing
