SMS integration for Klaviyo

Klaviyo SMS integration

Sync your customers from Klaviyo to SureSMS
or send SMS directly from Klaviyo flows.

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    Bestil vejledning i opsætning af Klaviyo SMS

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      SMS Klaviyo - Integrations

      Are you looking for a SMS integration for your marketing automation software? Then you've come to the right place. SureSMS is an SMS gateway with direct connection to all telcos in Denmark and more than 1900 telcos worldwide.

      Our SMS platform has a direct integration with Klaviyo, so you can manage all your automation in one place - including your SMS communication.

      What is Klaviyo?

      Klaviyo is an email and SMS marketing platform that helps businesses build better relationships with their customers and increase revenue.

      With Klaviyo, you can design and automate your emails and SMS messages based on customer interactions and behavior, so you can deliver more relevant messages and increase engagement with your customers.

      Klaviyo also offers advanced segmentation options and integrates with a range of e-commerce platforms and other marketing tools to make it easier to create a cohesive marketing strategy. Why you should use Klaviyo SMS.

      SMS from Klaviyo

      Why use an SMS integration with Klaviyo?

      The vast majority of Klaviyo users have chosen this marketing automation system because it offers a wealth of options and features for marketing automation, email marketing, lead generation, lead scoring, site tracking and much more.

      Although Klaviyo markets itself on the ability to send SMS messages directly in the system, we have some bad news for those of you marketing in the Danish and Nordic markets: Klaviyo can't send SMS messages in Denmark. At least not yet, but maybe one day it will be possible.

      In addition, you will also have to go through a relatively complicated approval process before you are allowed to send SMS messages from the system, as they have a number of requirements.

      The good news is that Klaviyo is happy to integrate with third-party systems like SureSMS. We've done this integration many times before, and we're happy to help you with yours too.

      How SMS works in Klaviyo

      When you choose to integrate SureSMS with your Klaviyo account, it can be done in two different ways:
      1) You can sync your contacts from Klaviyo to SureSMS or
      2) You can send SMS messages directly from your Klaviyo account.

      Synchronization of contacts

      Synchronization of contacts is done from Klaviyo via the direct Klaviyo>SureSMS integration. This means that SureSMS periodically pulls new contacts from Klaviyo and places them in a group in SureSMS.

      The benefits The beauty of this solution is that you expand your options with SMS communication. In SureSMS, there are a number of options that are not available in Klaviyo. For example, you can see data about open and click-through rates, and you have the option to send attachments. You also have the option to send MobilePay links in the messages.

      Disadvantages The problem with this solution is, of course, that you have two different systems with the same list and therefore have to work on two different platforms. Naturally, this can be an annoyance, but we rarely find this to be a problem for our customers.

      Below you can read how to set up the integration.

      The first thing you need to do is find your API key in Klaviyo. You need to log in to your Klaviyo (log in to Klaviyo) and select your account in the bottom left corner and then select "Settings". As shown here on the right.

      Klaviyo - APIKEY - 01

      Then, under the Account tab, select APIkey as shown below.

      Klaviyo - APIKEY - 02

      Now click "Create Private API key" to create a new key. Give it a meaningful name - e.g. SureSMS and set the rights accordingly:

      Klaviyo - APIKEY - 03

      Then copy your new API key and save it for later use.

      The next step is to open your SureSMS account. You can do that here: Open SureSMS.

      Then click on the "Integrations" menu and then "Settings". You can also follow this link:

      Click on the "Klaviyo" tab in the top bar(1). You should now see this screen:

      SureSMS-Klaviyo setup

      In the API key field, paste the API key you copied earlier. Then click "Use" (2).

      If the integration works, you will now see all your lists from Klaviyo in the list. Here you need to select the list you want to import. In the next section, select the list in SureSMS that will "receive" all your contacts.

      The last thing to do is to click "SAVE"

      The system synchronizes contacts every 15 minutes, so it can take up to 15 minutes before your contacts are updated in the new group.

      Send SMS directly from Klaviyo (Klaviyo SMS)

      It's also possible to create your SMS integration between Klaviyo SMS and SureSMS, so that you send your SMS directly from Klaviyo, but still via our SMS API. With this solution, you still have your reporting functions inside SureSMS, but you have to go into the Klaviyo system to see the result of your sending.

      The benefits of this solution is that you only need to work on one platform. This solution is therefore great if you work a lot with SMS as part of your automation.

      Disadvantages is, of course, that you lose some features that are not possible in Klaviyo. For example, this solution is not ideal if you work a lot with bulk sending - sending many SMS messages to many contacts at once.

      Here you can find a detailed description of how to set up direct SMS from Klaviyo.

      Below you can read how to set up Klaviyo so you can send SMS directly. 
      SMS Menu - api key

      First, create a SureSMS account if you haven't already done so. Click here to create an SMS Gateway account. It costs nothing and does not require a credit card.

      For the integration, you need a SecretID and a Secretkey. You can get these in SureSMS.

      Login at with your information from 1).

      In the menu, select API Keys under the menu Settings (API Keys under Settings)

      In the top right corner, click the "Options" button and then click "SureSMS API key".APIKey


      Back in the API keys overview, you now see the newly created key:


      Copy the key. We'll need it later.

      Now you're ready to go to Klaviyo and set up a connection to SureSMS.

      Now fill in the Name and optionally a description. The name could be Klaviyo integration, while the description could be the place in Klaviyo where you intend to use the API key.

      In Klaviyo

      Open Klaviyo, go to "Flows" and click on the flow where you want to set up SMS sending.


      Klaviyo menuTo the left in the "Actions" menu, select "Webhook" and drag it into your flow where you want to send the message.

      In this case it's Webhook #2, but you can change it to whatever you want.

      In this case it's Webhook #2, but you can change it to whatever you want.

      In the "Add the destination URL" field, type the following:

      "" (feel free to copy everything from here).

      The Headers section is left as is, which means empty.

      In JSON Body, the magic happens. Here you need to insert the following:

      "apikey":"[the key you copied]",
      "phonenumber": "{{ person.phone_number }}",
      "message":"Here you need to type the SMS text. This is and this is link .

      [The key you copied] is taken from the item under setup in SureSMS. Remove the square brackets.

      Once you've done that, it will look like this:


      Klaviyo webhook setup

      The above is the minimum configuration. It is possible to include a wide range of other information. Including, for example

      SenderID : Which sender should be listed on your SMS messages

      Email: if you would like SureSMS to save the email address

      CallbackURLYou can include a URL that we call when your message has been delivered.

      includeoptout: if you want SureSMS to include an optout link.

      left message: comma-separated list of URLs to be inserted via url-shortner.

      Tap on "Saves" - and you are now done! Congratulations to you

      SMS passcode
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