SMS integration for Drip

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Send SMS direkte fra Drip workflows.

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    Bestil vejledning i opsætning af SMS i Drip

      SMS fra Drip

      Are you interested in integrating SMS into your marketing automation software via Drip? Then SureSMS is the perfect solution for you. We are an SMS gateway that connects directly to all carriers in Denmark and more than 1900 carriers globally.

      Our SMS platform has a direct integration with Drip, which means you can manage all your automation in one place - including your SMS communication.

      What is Drip?

      Drip is a marketing automation platform that helps businesses build and automate their email marketing campaigns, lead generation and sales processes.

      Drip allows users to create advanced automated workflows based on customer behavior and interactions, which can improve conversion rates and increase revenue.

      The platform also includes features like segmentation, personalization, A/B testing and reporting that allow users to optimize their marketing strategies.

      Drip - SureSMS - square

      Hvorfor SMS i Drip?

      There are several reasons why you should consider using SMS from Drip:

      Increased engagement: SMS messages have an open rate of over 98%, which means your messages will be seen by a higher percentage of your customers compared to other channels such as email.

      1. Fast communication: SMS is a quick way to communicate with your customers as messages are usually delivered within seconds of being sent. This can be especially useful if you need to reach your customers with important information or offers quickly.
      2. Targeted communication based on customer interactions and behavior
      3. Increased conversions: SMS messaging can be an effective way to increase conversions as it can help create a more personalized and engaging customer experience. You can use SMS messages to offer customers exclusive offers, cart abandonment reminders or other incentives that can help increase sales.
      4. Ability to receive responses from customers via SMS, which can enhance the customer experience and help improve your campaigns.

      Sådan virker SMS i Drip

      Når du vælger at integrere SureSMS med din Drip-konto, gør du det ved hjælp af såkaldte webhooks.

      Det er nemt at komme igang. Du skal blot

      1. Oprette en gratis test-konto på SureSMS
      2. Lave en API nøgle
      3. Opsætte webhook i Drip

      Herunder kan du læse hvordan du gør det.


      Opsætning i SureSMS

      SMS Menu - api key

      First, create a SureSMS account if you haven't already done so. Click here to create an SMS Gateway account. It costs nothing and does not require a credit card.

      For the integration, you need a SecretID and a Secretkey. You can get these in SureSMS.

      Login at with your information from 1).

      In the menu, select API Keys under the menu Settings (API Keys under Settings)

      Opret en API nøgle i SureSMS

      In the top right corner, click the "Options" button and then click "SureSMS API key".APIKey

      Udfyld nu Navn og eventuelt en beskrivelse. Navnet kunne være Drip integration, mens beskrivelsen kunne være det sted i Drip hvor du har tænkt dig at bruge API keyen.


      Back in the API keys overview, you now see the newly created key:


      Copy the key. We'll need it later.

      Nu er du klar til at gå i Drip og sætte en forbindelse til SureSMS op.

      Opsætning i Drip

      Åbn Drip, gå til "Workflows" og klik på det flow hvor du gerne vil have sat SMS afsendelse op.


      Klik på blyanten ude til højre for at redigere workflowet.

      Tilføj nu en "Action" til dit workflow:


      I først dropdown skal du vælge "Drip"  og i action skal du vælge "Send an HTTP post"

      I endpoint URL skal du skrive :

      I "Content Type" skal du lade den stå på JSON.

      I "Custom Data" skal du tilføje to felter. Det første er apikey og her skal værdien være den værdi du har fra punkt 7. Det andet felt skal være "message" og her skal du skrive den tekst som du gerne vil sende som SMS .

      Avanceret opsætning

      The above is the minimum configuration. It is possible to include a wide range of other information. Including, for example

      SenderID : Hvilken afsender skal der cære på dine SMS'er

      Email: hvis du gerne vil have SureSMS til at gemme email-adressen

      CallbackURL:du kan medsende en URL som vi kalder, når din besked er blevet leveret.

      Det var det. Du er nu klar til at send SMS fra Drip.


      Test din løsning

      I Drip kan du nu teste din automation ved at vælge en kontakt og sætte automationen igang. Husk at kontakten skal have et telefonnummer for at det vil virke.

      Når du har kørt automationen i Drip kan du logge ind på SureSMS og se de afsendte beskeder her :

      Tjek specielt at landekoden er kommet rigtig med over. Klik på "Info" til højre for beskeden for at se hvor lang den er (og dermed hvad den koster)


      Hvorfor inkludere SMS i dit kanalmix?

      If you work in email marketing, you probably already know how important it is to achieve a high open rate. But did you know that you can achieve an average open rate of 98 % with SMS messages?

      According to 92 % of recipients open an SMS message within the first 6 minutes and the SMS response rate is 20 %. With an integration of Drip and SureSMS, you can leverage this powerful channel and optimize your marketing strategy.

      As most marketers know, a channel mix is essential to reach the target audience at multiple touchpoints in the buyer's journey. According to a report from Salesforce marketers use an average of eight different channels to interact with their digital consumers. Email and SMS marketing are often included in this mix, and with Drip and SureSMS, you can easily integrate SMS messaging into your marketing strategy to increase your open rate and engagement with your customers.


      Opportunities with SMS marketing in DRIP

      Text messaging is one of the most direct forms of contact you can have with your customers - right up there with calling or meeting them in person. When you sync your contacts from Drip with SureSMS, all customer data is transferred from Drip to SureSMS. This allows you to further personalize your SMS messages with, for example, first name, special interests or other information you've collected about your customers.

      One of the benefits of SMS marketing is that you can expect the message to be read by the recipient. Therefore, SMS messages are ideal for offers and promotions that require quick attention or for special holidays and anniversaries. In addition, SMS messages also work extremely effectively in conjunction with email marketing, where you can integrate SMS messages into your email automation flows to support both channels. With Drip and SureSMS, you can easily leverage this powerful marketing channel and optimize your marketing strategy.

      For example, use your SMS integration with Drip to send:

      • Inbound SMS where the customer can purchase directly in the SMS message using a reply option
      • Appointment or booking reminders
      • Important messages to those who have registered for your events
      • Purchase confirmation, links to item tracking or discount codes
      • Info about lightning deals
      • Information when an item is back in stock
      • And much more.


      Below you can order a guide on how to set up SureSMS in your Drip.

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