SMS integration to ActiveCampaign

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SMS integration for ActiveCampaign " SureSMS

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Synchronize your customers from ActiveCampaign to SureSMS or send SMS directly from ActiveCampaign in your flows.

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SMS integration to ActiveCampaign

Are you looking for a SMS integration for your marketing automation software? Then you've come to the right place. At SureSMS, we are an SMS gateway with direct connection to all telecom companies in Denmark and more than 1900 telecom companies worldwide.

Our SMS platform has a direct integration with ActiveCampaign, so you can manage all your automation in one place - including your SMS communication.

What is ActiveCampaign?

ActiveCampaign is a marketing automation software that brings together several of your marketing activities in one place. Here you can automate marketing activities within the categories of email marketing, marketing automation, sales automation and CRM.

It's an incredibly user-friendly platform, even if you haven't worked with any of the above before, and it's this ease of use and the many options in ActiveCampaign that make it a very popular platform for many marketers.

One of the options you'll find in ActiveCampaign is SMS marketing. However, ActiveCampaign's own SMS platform is limited in its features and does not have a direct connection to the Danish telecom companies, so you can't expect the same high delivery rate as with SureSMS.

Bestil vejledning i opsætning af SMS i ActiveCampaign

    AC sync SureSMS

    Why invest in an SMS integration with ActiveCampaign?

    The vast majority of ActiveCampaign users have chosen this marketing automation system because it offers a wealth of options and features for marketing automation, email marketing, lead generation, lead scoring, site tracking and much more.

    Although ActiveCampaign markets itself on the ability to send SMS messages directly in the system, we have some bad news for those of you marketing in the Danish market: ActiveCampaign cannot send SMS messages in Denmark. At least not yet, but maybe one day it will be possible.

    In addition, you will also have to go through a relatively complicated approval process before you are allowed to send SMS messages from the system, as they have a number of requirements. Finally, it's worth mentioning that you can only send 250 SMS messages at a time. So if you want to send an offer to 5,000 contacts, it requires a lot of work, as it has to be sent out 250 at a time.

    The good news is that ActiveCampaign is happy to integrate with third-party systems like SureSMS. We've done this integration many times before, and we're happy to help you with yours too.

    How SMS marketing works in ActiveCampaign

    When you choose to integrate SureSMS with your ActiveCampaign account, there are two different ways to do so: 1) You can synchronize your contacts from ActiveCampaign into SureSMS or 2) You can send SMS messages directly from your ActiveCampaign account.

    1) Synchronization of contacts

    If you choose to have an integration where contacts need to be synchronized between ActiveCampaign and SureSMS, this is easily done using automations in AC. Your automations ensure that when a contact is added or removed from a list in either ActiveCampaign or SureSMS, they are correspondingly added or removed in the opposite program. This way, the two lists are always in sync - even if a contact chooses to unsubscribe from SMSs (also known as opt out). We're happy to set up these automations for you as we integrate the two platforms.

    The benefits The beauty of this solution is that you expand your options with SMS communication. In SureSMS, there are a number of options that are not available in ActiveCampaign. For example, you can see data about open and click-through rates, and you have the option to send attachments.

    Disadvantages The problem with this solution is, of course, that you have two different systems with the same list and therefore have to work on two different platforms. Naturally, this can be an annoyance, but we rarely find this to be a problem for our customers.

    2) Send SMS directly from ActiveCampaign

    It is also possible to create your SMS integration between ActiveCampaign and SureSMS, so that you send your SMS directly from ActiveCampaign, but still via our SMS API. With this solution, you still have your reporting functions inside SureSMS, but you need to enter ActiveCampaign's system to see the result of your sending.

    The benefits of this solution is that you only need to work on one platform. This solution is therefore great if you work a lot with SMS as part of your automation.

    Disadvantages is, of course, that you lose some features that are not possible in ActiveCampaign. For example, this solution is not ideal if you work a lot with bulk sending - sending many SMS messages to many contacts at once.

    Why you should include SMS in your channel mix

    If you work with email marketing, you'll definitely recognize that an open rate of 30-40 % is great!

    You know what's even cooler? An open rate of 98 % - and that's actually the average open rate for SMS messages. In addition, a whopping 92 % are opened within the first 6 minutes and the SMS response rate is 20 % (, 2016). The numbers speak for themselves.

    The vast majority of marketers work with a channel mix because they know that this way they can reach the target audience at multiple points in the buyer's journey with messages that match the channel. In fact, according to a Salesforce reportOn average, marketers use eight different channels when trying to engage more with their digital consumers. These channels most often include email and SMS marketing.

    Opportunities with SMS marketing in ActiveCampaign

    Text messaging is the most direct form of contact you can make with your consumer - perhaps even beyond calling them or meeting them in person. When you sync your contacts from ActiveCampaign, the advantage is that all your customer data from AC is transferred to SureSMS. This means you can personalize your SMS messages even more, for example, with first names, special interests or other information you've collected.

    Another advantage of working with SMS is that you can expect that the message will actually be read. That's why SMS messages are great on their own, for example, for quick offers or special holidays and anniversaries. In addition, they are also extremely effective in interaction with emails, where you can, for example, build SMS messages into your email automation flows so that the two channels support each other.

    For example, use your SMS module in ActiveCampaign to send:

    • Inbound SMS where the customer can purchase directly in the SMS message using a reply option
    • Appointment or booking reminders
    • Important messages to those who have registered for your events
    • Purchase confirmation, links to item tracking or discount codes
    • Info about lightning deals
    • Information when an item is back in stock
    • And much more.


    Then contact us via our contact formsend an email to [email protected], or call us on +45 50 322 322 322 on weekdays between 8-16 - and we'll have a no-obligation chat about your options.

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